Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New Reads

I just finished this book and you MUST read it! I cried and laughed the whole way through! Very touching and will make you look deep inside yourself. :)

"The Last Time I Was Me" by Cathy Lamb (still haven't figured out any relation to Wally Lamb).


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Facebook is stupid. HA!

Can I just say that I believe Facebook (and those website affiliated with it) is going to be the doom of our society?

I know I sound like the biggest hypocrite ever for saying that, but there are people that I WANT to talk to via Facebook. People who are far away and I would like to catch up with every once in a while. That list has about ten people on it (not including family).

I don't care about mostly everyone else. Seriously.

It'd be nice to be SURPRISED at my high school reunion.

I wish I could just block everyone from seeing me, except for people I actually cared about.

Facebook, you are so darn frustrating. I hate you.

That is all. I just had to rant somewhere.