Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Did you know this?

If you smoke when you're pregnant and/or when you breast feed:
- THC (and its metabolites) does cross the placenta
- your baby will have a higher chance of SIDS
- you will have a higher risk of miscarriage
- your baby will be at risk to have a slower reaction time and a delay in cognitive development
- your baby will be at risk of developing nervous system disorders
- carbon monoxide (found in cigarette AND marijuana smoke) increases your baby's risk of birth defects and your risk of having a still born (among MANY other things)

Despite what YOU may read, there is still a correlation in some studies. Regardless of the risk, my question to women out there is: Why would you even take the risk?

I am baffled by some people's decisions. But, I suppose that's why I am me and they are them.

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