Monday, December 7, 2009

Harsh Criticism.

I hope your eyes are ready to see this because shit's about to get nasty.

Pregnancy. A beautiful time in a woman's life and a magical experience for her partner. It's a true miracle to understand the complications of making a life. TRULY.

Last time I checked, I took the SAME sex education classes as these girls. They sat next to me. We talked. We said we'd never get the STD's. Never get pregnant too young. We all did the Baby Think It Over project. The ironic thing is that I remember some of these girls having strong voiced opinions on the right to abortions and "Laws Off My Body!" politics.

Why can't girls my age just keep their goddamn legs closed? A few are already on their THIRD! It's outrageous! And I know I am judging these girls but one of my best friends and my sister both had babies at 20 and unplanned. I've personally seen the challenge it is to be a young parent.

Who in their right mind wants to keep their child at 20 years old? YOU'RE A BABY TO BEGIN WITH! It's frustrating because I feel these girls are being selfish. This innocent life is being brought into this world and most of the time without a solid family or solid income/finances. I seriously doubt the capabilities of these girls. I just know that because they are my age, I am even older then some, and I could no way, shape or form raise a child right now. This age in our life is supposed to be a selfish one on our part so that we grow up and can become selfless parents for our future children.

While you may think I regard these girls harshly, I still wish the circumstance is different and they rise above the odds. No way in my heart do I wish something bad on these girls, but I do think that having babies seems to have become a "trend" because they happen to be dating someone they think they "love." These are all my personal opinions and you have every right to hate me or judge me for them but I just think that my generation of girls is smarter than that.

WAKE UP, PEOPLE! These birth control methods are epic failures: Abstinence, Withdrawl and the Rhythm Cycle. USE BIRTH CONTROL. If you can't afford it, go to Planned Parenthood. If you're too lazy, then PUT ON A FREAKING CONDOM. If you can't do any of those things, you don't deserve to be a parent.



  1. abstinence is a pretty effective form of birth control actually. ;)

  2. LOL...I guess I worded that funny. :P

  3. Having a child is the MOST selfish thing anyone can do. Planned, unplanned, old or young. But, I do have to say that I know 18-25 year olds who are better parents than a lot of 25-40 year olds...
