Back home, I also used to have a group that I celebrated the Sabbats with. My best friend, who also has Neo-Pagan parents, was a someone who I found a lot of strength in. We performed many rituals together and had a very successful ouigi board experience during Samhain of 2007. It was all so real for me back home and I never thought I would fall out of it.
Of course, last year, I moved in with two complete strangers and I couldn't just go spurting off spells because I'd scare the crapola out of them. So I tamed it down a bit. I also got so wrapped up in this new world and my new school and learning to be in the same town as my boyfriend that it all just seemed to have washed away. When I finally recognized it this year, it saddened me a great deal. Now that I am living with my boyfriend who is very accepting, I have much more freedom to do what I want and have a public alter.
So lately I have been searching for Pagan groups in the Santa Barbara area. I found one who meets quite frequently and they celebrate every Sabbat. Last night, I didn't have class because it was Veteran's Day, so I took the initiative and drove myself all the way out there by myself. For all I knew, these could have been crazies trying to kill me, but that feeling wasn't in my gut. I was excited and anxious, but in a good way!
Teal and Tariah are very nice people. We met up, conversed over the Path and Teal made me a natal chart. A natal chart is an astrological chart that is based on the exact location, time and date of your birth. They look like this:
It was incredibly accurate! I am still learning how to read it (its very confusing and has so many different layers, as you can tell) but it's quite incredible. Teal is very gifted in reading natal charts so it was nice to hear his input. He could say so many things about me by looking at this chart and he didn't even know me! If you could ever get a natal chart done, I highly recommend it. It's fascinating!
Teal has given me an assignment that within the next two weeks, I must bring to "class" one magical experience I have had, whether it be an observation or a spell working. I think I am going to try doing a spell because it has been so long. Or maybe a New Moon ritual. The one coming this Monday is very powerful for transformation and change because it sits in Scorpio.
Last night, all of us also lit an intent candle. Mine was "My intent is to suppress my stubbornness." I'll let you know how that goes. ;)
Alrighty, I think I am going to go whip out a Tarot reading before I head off to dissection. I will write more on my transformation as I recognize it. Thanks for tuning in!
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