Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm still waiting for my godamn dessert.

Meanwhile, I've been served a giant plate of college applications mixed with a smattering of nursing school applications. I swear, if this freaking applications process will kill me way before the prerequisites and the program ever will!

The more I find out, the more I feel like crap and more time I feel like I have wasted. I also feel like a loser because my grades aren't THAT awesome. I am so scared! How am I ever going to be able to afford this? How am I ever going to be able to get the energy? I just have the biggest feeling that something HUGE is going to go wrong and everything will end up blowing up in my face like it always does!

I AM SO FREAKING STRESSED OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!!! And my parents don't even care!!!!!! I am totally alone!!!!! :(

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone my friend. I may not have gone to the same school you are trying to get into, but I too had a rough go at it when starting the whole process. remember you can call on me any time you need to talk or vent. Just remember that it moves fast once you're in and you will make firends to last a lifetime. Oh, and it's totally worth all the stress once you can officially say that you're an RN :)
