Don't get me wrong. I've been needing and WANTING to update for weeks! It's just been so crazy busy and ridiculous that I haven't had the time (nor the energy) to update. Lots has been going on!
With school: I got honored into the President's Honor Role and the ceremony is next Friday. WOO! Physiology is kicking my butt and I am working SO HARD to get it! We have our last Micro exam before the Final on Monday and I am pulling my hair out trying to study for it! I am working so hard for school and it just seems like nothing is really going my way. Straight A's are going to be impossible this semester. :(
With home: Joey and I got a place last minute at Family Housing. Move in date is on Tuesday. I found a guy to sublet from us starting on Wednesday. It's been nuts trying to juggle everything. I've been packing little by little each day and I am so stressed! We are picking up a uHaul tomorrow and packing it up because we are too busy to work on it Monday or Tuesday. I've been working my ass off trying to take care of so many things. I feel like I am wearing thin. I don't even have time for happiness and doing something fun for myself. Joey and I tried to go the fair on Thursday night but it didn't end well for us. To top it off, my car went "kaput" today. The "new" battery wont hold a charge and keep my car running. Right when I am going to need this damn thing the most...FOR THE MOVE! I am freaking out!
I am counting the minutes until summer. I am so happy to be done and not have school or homework or studying or anything for 3 whole months! Yes, I will be working, but I will actually have FREE TIME! What is free time? Right now, it's watching a movie when I get an hour or two between headaches (study sessions). I haven't even knit in almost 3 weeks. My body hasn't seen the sun yet...isn't that pathetic?
There's been a lot of drama these past few weekends on top of it. I am just so sick and tired of trying anymore. I feel unmotivated and like I want to give up. I feel as if I am changing again and I need something different...something new. I just feel weird. I don't know how to explain it.
I am sad about leaving this apartment. I am sitting here now, home alone looking at all our packed boxes. This is going to be the last night we are sleeping in our bed in this apartment. All the big furniture gets packed away tomorrow. The walls are bare, the rooms echo. There are a lot of memories in these walls...both good and bad. Both wanting to remember and wanting to forget. It's been a challenge in this apartment. I am not sure what the next will bring but I am not sure I am ready for it. I haven't even had the chance to THINK about all this until now. It's over. "Mine and Joey's first apartment" is about to be over. I keep playing this montage of memories in my head like a movie...
Life, you are becoming very complicated. I don't like it. Can't you just do what I say? Don't mess things up for me. I can't handle it right now. I feel as if I could easily tear with just another small stretch...
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