So I have literally opened up this page like 6 times, and couldn't come up with anything great enough to write down. I love being on summer vacation! My world seems so much less eventful! ;)
Well, My final report card was all As and 1 B. Physiology was that one B. BLAST! But, yet, that was still much better than I expected. I worked my butt off and I am happy with that score.
I'm at Gio's basically full time, now. This week I had 35 hours. Verrry nice. They are promoting me to a Lead (training will take all summer) and that will be interesting. Not sure if I will stick with it, but we will just have to see.
I've been cleaning and changing up the apartment since I have free time. I went out and got a beautiful ocean painting for Joey, some candles, a new shirt for myself, and some patio furniture. I spent a few days searching and there was nothing good, so I bought something brand new from CVS. It's really nice to have a table finally. Joey's dad is coming down to visit on Saturday so now he wont think we are cavemen. :)
I can finally read for pleasure! I am making a list of books to read over summer. I am starting with Cathy Lamb's "The Last Time I Was Me." Its great so far! I really like her style, I might even add her others books to the list if I enjoy this one so much. I've been trying to figure out if she has any relation to Wally Lamb (a personal favorite!) but there is NOTHING on these people! The only thing I have come up with is that they both are married to "unnamed people" and they both have 3 children. Coincidence? I think not.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention! I found out that I am ONE math class away from applying to the RN program. Yeah. I cried when I found this out. Now I have to take that math class in the Fall. :( So sad. But I still was able to apply for the LVN program which I did. Whichever I get into first I will go with. We will have to wait and see. Ugh. I feel like I have been waiting forever already!
What else? I am not sure there is much else to write about. But I must clean. Basically all the dishes in our kitchen are stacked to the ceiling because neither Joey nor I have had time to do them in 3 days. Vacuuming must be done and the bathroom is probably just crawling with E. coli and Serratia marcesen (thank you Micro!). I must attend to it before Tom gets in tomorrow...CIAO!
P.S. CONGRATS to my dear friend, Carole, who graduated from the WMC** Nursing program...and she's in her third trimester of pregnancy! YEAAAAAAAH, CHICKITA! :)